Industry Industry
Welcome to 2SP Solution Providers Inc, your trusted global partner for mining consulting, mining equipment, and industrial solutions, serving the mining, cement, aggregate, power generation, oil and gas, ports, and major processing operations since 2006. Download Our Brochure!

Montreal -Canada

Tel: +1 (514) 335-4275

08:00am - 5:00pm
Welcome to 2SP Solution Providers Inc, your trusted global partner for mining consulting, mining equipment, and industrial solutions, serving the mining, cement, aggregate, power generation, oil and gas, ports, and major processing operations since 2006. Download Our Brochure!

Montreal -Canada

Tel: +1 (514) 335-4275

08:00am - 5:00pm

Conveyor & Pump Innovations

2sp belt cleaner

SSP-770 Ceramic Belt Cleaners®

Radically cut carry back, Stop belt damage, Extend the effective service life by more than 4-times that of polyurethane scrapers – Guaranteed. 300mm to 2400mm promptly shipped fully assembled – ready to install. We are the manufacturer – Made in Canada

We will install and prove in 30 days that abrasive, corrosive, sticky and hot carry back can be radically reduced, and belt cover damage can be permanently stopped, or you pay nothing.

One dedicated point of contact for everything
24/7 access to our global network
One straightforward contract framework
One easily manageable service cost structure
One consistent level of service quality
More ISO certifi cates than any other service.

Polyurethane Scrapers Failure

When polyurethane scrapers have failed due to extremely abrasive or high temperature solids . . . When sharp tungsten carbide scraper blade edges have been destroyed due to the destructive effects of corrosive and abrasive materials . . . And have repeatedly damaged belt covers one time too many . . Then it may be time to consider installing the Performance Guaranteed SSP-770 Ceramic Belt Cleaners®.

2sp scrapper
2sp conveyor cleaner


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